点评:I was disappointed in my visit here, the center seems to be a box ticking exercise by the Irish government to tackle the legacy of Padraig Pearse . There is little or no mention of Pearse’s life’s work to rid Ireland of English Rule.
Rather this center deals with the nature of Connemara , Pearse’s work with the Irish Language as an Educator. Precious little is mentioned of Pearse’s central role in the 1916 rising and his subsequent execution. We get some random facts about IRA activities locally during the War of Independence.
It’s telling that the personal family photos of Pearse in the Cottage are not titled or explained, nothing is mentioned of Pearse’s legacy in terms of the Irish State and it’s subsequent evolution.
In all a shameful white washing of a selfless patriot by an Embarrassed and uncomfortable modern a Irish State.
It’s telling that few people turn up here as it offers little in terms of a explanation of Pearse and his fellow patriots.
The folks working here were very nice .
翻译:我对这里的访问感到失望,该中心似乎是爱尔兰政府为处理 Padraig Pearse 遗产而进行的一项勾选活动。很少或根本没有提及皮尔斯一生为使爱尔兰摆脱英国统治所做的努力。
相反,这个中心涉及康尼马拉的本质,皮尔斯作为教育家对爱尔兰语言的研究。关于皮尔斯在 1916 年起义中的核心作用以及随后的处决,很少有人提及。我们随机得到一些关于独立战争期间爱尔兰共和军在当地活动的事实。