点评:Came today with grandkids and we as grandparents were NOT participating but chaperones and STILL HAD TO PAY THE $10 fee … which is ridiculous.
Our bags were checked and was unable to carry in snacks/sodas/water (we could have taken the water in). Had to take bag back to car as the water was the only thing we could take in WITHOUT being in ice cooler!
We noticed the family in front of us had a pull wagon full of backpacks … had orange sodas/snacks/apples and was given the ok to just go on in!
We came last year and had none of these issues and enjoyed it AND was able to exit the park and come back WITHOUT a recharge fee! If you have a need to go back to your car, you will HAVE TO PAY the $10 fee AGAIN to enter!
This could be handled with a hand stamp or wrist band and this would resolve these issues!
In the future, we will drive further and take our beautiful Wet’n Wild Emerald Pointe Water Park in Greensboro. We won’t be back here again!
翻译:今天带着孙子们来了,我们作为祖父母没有参加,但作为监护人,仍然必须支付 10 美元的费用……这太荒谬了。
我们去年来过,没有遇到任何这些问题,并且很享受它,并且能够退出公园并无需支付充值费即可返回!如果您需要返回您的车,则必须再次支付 10 美元的费用才能进入!
未来,我们将驶得更远,前往格林斯博罗美丽的 Wet'n Wild Emerald Pointe 水上乐园。我们不会再回到这里了!