点评:This Museum could be easily missed as it stands in the grounds of the Woodstock Museum on Park Street. It is, however, well worth a visit.
The main gallery does contain quite a lot of "reading" but there is plenty of activity for younger visitors. To sit in the mock-up glider with head-phones on re-living the glider invasion of the Low Countries in the last war is something of a salutory experience, as are the Andersen Shelter dispalys and the WW1 tranches.
Although not to our taste, the war comics section and the medals on dispolay could be absorbing to many.
I liked their idea of "The Big Question" whereby certain exhibits asked for opinions on various important things like "How young should you be to fight in a war?" or "Would you fight for King and Country?" ... tables, pencils and paper are available and invite answers. This really makes one think about war and peace and what that means.