点评:The Acropolis Propylaea is the impressive multicolumn grand entrance to the Acropolis complex. By definition, a Propylaea is the name given to monumental gates or entranceways to a temple or religious complex that act as a symbolic separation between the secular and religious. It was designed so everyone who entered the Acropolis would first climb this monumental stairway and pass through the gate before they could actually get a glimpse of the Parthenon and other buildings. Unfortunately, it's easy to overlook its majestic beauty when you're fighting the crowded conditions on the steps and are excitedly trying to get to the top of them so you can actually see the Parthenon. And, if you are older like me, when you are climbing steps on uneven surfaces, you're generally looking down, so you won't trip and fall. It's nearly impossible to stop and appreciate its design and architecture, because you’re being carried up the steep stairway by the surge of people behind you. I’ve never played rugby (only watched it on TV) but one post compared it to being in a rugby scrum. If you can, take your time and admire it before you get into the Acropolis. If unable to do so, stop and look at it more closely as you are leaving, since you also have to exit by those same steps. Just be careful and don't fall as you are looking up. My best tip: visit early morning, before it gets too crowded! (PaM)