点评:Once we finally arrived at the festival it was quite nice. Lots of different vendors and plenty to eat and drink and the area was very clean. It could use more places to sit considering this is a huge retirement area and older people need to sit more often.
The website says to park at the schools and take the transportation provided to the festival. We tried and it was a nightmare. We arrived about 8:45am at the school. Parked and got on a school bus. The driver did not know how to get to the festival. After winding down some streets she stopped to let us out. We were at the back of the bus and the last to get out. I looked and we were at an intersection with Route 19 and no festival in sight. I asked where the festival is and the driver said she was not sure but maybe if we walked a couple blocks in back of us we could find it. She admitted that she has never been trained on how to get from the school to the festival and this was her first time attempting to drive to it. We then got back on the bus, went back to the school and drove to the festival. Parking was not bad that early but later in the day it was really bad. The school parking was no way able to take care of the cars that were coming. There was only one bus we saw that held maybe 50 people. When we returned to the school there had to be 150 people waiting to get on one bus with a driver that was clueless as to where to go. Moral, go early and park downtown.
网站说把车停在学校,然后乘坐学校提供的交通工具去参加节日。我们试过了,结果简直是一场噩梦。我们大约在早上 8:45 到达学校。停车后上了一辆校车。司机不知道怎么去节日现场。在绕了几条街后,她停下来让我们下车。我们在车的后面,也是最后下车的。我看了看,我们在 19 号公路的交叉口,看不到节日现场。我问节日现场在哪里,司机说她不确定,但也许如果我们走在我们后面几个街区,我们就能找到它。她承认,她从未接受过如何从学校到节日现场的培训,这是她第一次尝试开车去。然后我们回到车上,回到学校,开车去参加节日现场。早上停车还好,但到了晚上就真的很糟糕了。学校停车场根本无法容纳来往的车辆。我们看到的只有一辆巴士,大概能载 50 人。当我们回到学校时,一辆巴士上等着的人多达 150 人,而司机也不知道要去哪里。教训是,早点去,把车停在市中心。