点评:The monument is sited on an elevated site in Semarapura and directly opposite the Kerta Gosa complex. It was built as a memorial to those who lost their lives in the struggle against the Dutch colonists in 1908. Among those who lost their lives were rulers of the Gelgel kingdom, Dewa Agung Gede Semarabawa, Dewa Agung Muter, the crown prince of the kingdom, and the King of Klungkung, Dewa Agung Jambe II. The monument was inaugurated in 1992 on the 84th anniversary of the puputan (uprising). It rises to a height of 28m, Lingga-Yoni shape, and represents ancient Hindu symbols of the God Shiva and Parvati, his consort. The room at the base houses a diorama that tells the story of the uprising, Japanese control during WW11 and the later fight for independence
翻译:纪念碑位于塞马拉布拉的高地上,与 Kerta Gosa 建筑群正对面。它是为了纪念 1908 年在反抗荷兰殖民者的斗争中牺牲的人们而建。牺牲者包括 Gelgel 王国的统治者 Dewa Agung Gede Semarabawa、王国王储 Dewa Agung Muter 和 Klungkung 国王 Dewa Agung Jambe II。纪念碑于 1992 年起义 84 周年之际落成。纪念碑高 28 米,呈 Lingga-Yoni 形状,代表着古印度教湿婆神和他的配偶帕尔瓦蒂的象征。底座的房间里有一个立体模型,讲述了起义、二战期间日本的统治以及后来的独立斗争的故事