点评:It might seem a little strange to have Bulgaria's main aviation museum in a relatively remote location. Indeed it is; unless you are visiting Plovdiv, or maybe driving from Sofia to the Black Sea coast, it is off the beaten track.
A couple of practicalities. I really wanted to visit, so hired a car from Sofia Airport for the day. It cost about 22 euros from a mainstream company, pretty good value I thought. Next, check the opening times and days as they are both reduced in Autumn / Winter months, and I see previous reviewers have been caught out.
Located on the south side of Plovdiv airport and adjacent to the military helicopter base, the museum is not too difficult to find, though if you go off the beaten track, you will soon be driving on gravel tracks! The website directions are worth noting.
Parking outside the gate is free. Go through the entrance gate, and you will see a small booth. That's where you pay, with lots of varying rates and depending if you want to see the interior exhibition (why wouldn't you?). I paid 8 Lev.
The collection is an extensive presentation of Bulgarian military aviation. The occasional civilian aircraft has snuck in, and the only overseas exhibit is a Turkish Air Force F-104 Starfighter. The exhibits are fascinating, from World War II vintage (including a unique Arado AR-196 floatplane), to the early Cold-War jets, to the 21st Century. Every type seems to be represented, including different marks of the same type, the exceptions being the current inventory (Frogfoot and Fulcrum).
The exhibits are generally well presented, with enough space for photography, surrounded by rose bush lawns. Many are slightly elevated from the ground, preserving the tyres, while others are mounted on brick platforms. At one end of the site is a 'boneyard', with several MiGs in various states of decay.
The interior exhibition tells the story of Bulgarian military aviation, from pioneering 19th century balloonists to cosmonauts. Extensive use of photographs and exhibits are complemented with interpretation boards in Bulgarian and English translation.
Refreshments are via vending machines only. As the machines are outside the exhibition hall, any chocolate based snacks melt inside their wrappers. There are toilet facilities on site, well-maintained and clean.
I spent over a couple of hours here, but it's my thing. Most will probably spend less time, but it's a great diversion for a family visit, especially if the helicopters are flying. But if you're interested in Cold War military aviation, it is a must visit!
一些实际情况。我真的很想去参观,所以从索非亚机场租了一辆车。一家主流公司的车费约为 22 欧元,我觉得很划算。接下来,查看开放时间和日期,因为秋季/冬季的开放时间和日期都会减少,而且我看到之前的评论者都被迷住了。
门外停车免费。穿过入口大门,您会看到一个小摊位。这就是您要付钱的地方,有很多不同的费率,取决于您是否想看内部展览(你为什么不呢?)。我付了 8 列弗。
该藏品是对保加利亚军事航空的广泛展示。偶尔会有民用飞机偷偷溜进来,唯一的海外展品是土耳其空军的 F-104 星式战斗机。展品令人着迷,从二战时期的老式飞机(包括独特的 Arado AR-196 水上飞机)到冷战早期的喷气式飞机,再到 21 世纪的飞机。每种类型似乎都有代表,包括同一类型的不同标记,例外是当前库存(Frogfoot 和 Fulcrum)。
内部展览讲述了保加利亚军事航空的故事,从 19 世纪的先驱气球驾驶员到宇航员。大量使用照片和展品,并配有保加利亚语和英语翻译的解说板。