It signifies the main character of Northern Russia fairytales narrated by the late local storyteller Stepan Pisakhov
Monument to Sena Malina的点评
点评:The correct way to spell his first name is Senya, not Sena, by the way, where Senya is short for Semion (Simon) and Malina means "raspberry" in Russian.
We saw that droll statue in early September while sauntering down Chumbarka, the main pedestrian street in Arkhangelsk. It is surely a darling of both locals and tourists. The composition depicts an episode from the eponymous fairytale where Senya first falls through the ice, then sinks to the riverbed, finds the fattest burbot down there, mounts it, and jumps out of the water on its back to the river bank. One should read that story in the original to immerse oneself in Pisakhov's incredible patois of the Russian language.
It's not easy to approach the monument in good weather on a week-end; hordes of selfie-seekers keep on clustering it.
Recommended. One of Arkhangelsk's tourist hotspots.
翻译:顺便说一句,他的名字的正确拼写方式是 Senya,而不是 Sena,其中 Senya 是 Semion(西蒙)的缩写,而 Malina 在俄语中的意思是“覆盆子”。
九月初,我们在阿尔汉格尔斯克的主要步行街 Chumbarka 闲逛时看到了那个滑稽的雕像。它无疑是当地人和游客的宠儿。该作品描绘了同名童话故事中的一个情节:塞尼亚首先从冰层中掉下来,然后沉入河床,在那里找到最胖的江鳕,骑上它,然后从水中跳出水面,背对着河岸。人们应该阅读这个故事的原著,让自己沉浸在皮萨霍夫令人难以置信的俄语方言中。