点评:Hereford Advanced Motorists group. A good day, well organised, well explained, Ok facilities just close to Castle Coombe track. Unfortunately the Under17's earlier had written off (or made unusable) the two BMW RWD cars. As I only have RWD and AWD and all automatics some of the Ford Focus handling characteristics were interesting but not directly relevant.
there was a definitely interesting slant from the professional drivers who whilst explaining understeer and oversteer exactly correctly seemed, in my opinion/experience to favour O/S as a safer fail-safe for novices and that novices more likely to come a cropper because of U/S. Interesting, I think novices in a FWD car entering an U/S skid on hitting a corner with too high an approach speed would be mostly likely to take the foot off the gas before braking, the simple act of reducing power to front wheels causes the car to tuck in. Obviously the opposite happens with novices in O/S where the back will flick out. Maybe I misunderstood what they were saying but IMHO FWD is inherently safer for novices.
Disappointing some attendees did not take part in low key competitive event.
翻译:赫里福德高级驾驶员小组。美好的一天,组织良好,解释清楚,设施不错,靠近 Castle Coombe 赛道。不幸的是,17 岁以下的车手早些时候报废了(或使之无法使用)两辆宝马后轮驱动汽车。由于我只有后轮驱动和全轮驱动以及所有自动挡汽车,因此福特福克斯的一些操控特性很有趣,但并不直接相关。
专业车手的观点非常有趣,他们虽然完全正确地解释了转向不足和转向过度,但在我看来/经验上似乎更倾向于使用 O/S 作为新手更安全的故障保护措施,新手更容易因为 U/S 而失败。有趣的是,我认为新手驾驶前轮驱动汽车在转弯时以过高的接近速度进入 U/S 滑行时,最有可能在刹车前松开油门,减少前轮动力的简单动作会导致汽车内陷。显然,新手驾驶 O/S 时情况正好相反,后部会向外翻。也许我误解了他们的意思,但恕我直言,FWD 对新手来说本质上更安全。