点评:Only a handful of tourists on their way to Jordan visit this ancient Hellenistic palace. It is off the main tourist routes, so there is no time left for it, besides, not many people know about it. But it is worth taking the time to visit it.
The palace was built almost 2200 years ago from unusually huge blocks. It stood on an island surrounded by an artificial lake fed by fountains in the shape of leopards. However, it was never completed and was then destroyed like most ancient structures in Jordan by an earthquake. Its name is associated with a legend somewhat similar to an ancient tragedy, so it is very appropriate for an ancient palace:
The name Qasr al-Abd (Castle of the Slave) is related to a local legend about a slave who fell in love with his master's daughter. But the master set a condition for the slave: "build a palace for my daughter, the likes of which no one has ever seen before, and my daughter will be yours."
But when the master saw that the slave was really going to finish the magnificent palace, he killed him and destroyed the building.
So who destroyed the palace: the earthquake or the unwilling father?
这座宫殿建于大约 2200 年前,由异常巨大的砖块建成。它坐落在一个被豹形喷泉滋养的人工湖环绕的岛屿上。然而,它从未完工,然后像约旦的大多数古代建筑一样被地震摧毁。它的名字与一个有点类似古代悲剧的传说有关,所以很适合古代宫殿:
Qasr al-Abd(奴隶城堡)这个名字与当地传说有关,一个奴隶爱上了主人的女儿。但是主人却给奴隶提出了一个条件:“为我的女儿建造一座前所未见的宫殿,我的女儿就是你的了。”