点评:Love the Spanish bar.Live locally-visit once every couple of weeks.BUT...visited today and needed to use "disabled" toilet.It was locked but no problem-asked the bartender to open it.She (very nicely) suggested there might be "more room" in the usual toilets.As I was on crutches I said it's more about the support the toilet provides than space.However when opened ,it was obvious that the facility was being used as a store room!!The lady from behind the bar kindly moved a vacuum cleaner to allow me proper access to the toilet.Just felt I needed to highlight this issue as really a facility allocated for disability use should be available at all times even if the demand is not that often.Otherwise ,as usual,the Spanish Bar is great-we're lucky to have a pub like this in Ilkeston
翻译:喜欢西班牙酒吧。住在当地 - 每两周访问一次。但是......今天访问并需要使用“残疾人”厕所。它被锁定但没有问题 - 请酒保打开它。她(非常好)建议通常的厕所可能会有“更多空间”。因为我拄着拐杖,所以我说厕所提供的支撑比空间更多。但是当打开时,很明显该设施被用作储藏室!酒吧后面的女士好心地搬了一个真空吸尘器,让我可以正确地使用厕所。只是觉得我需要强调这个问题,因为即使需求不是那么频繁,也应该随时提供分配给残疾人使用的设施。否则,像往常一样,西班牙酒吧很棒——我们很幸运在伊尔克斯顿有一家这样的酒吧