点评:This golf course could be among the best, nice design and well maintained but downgraded because of a poor management.
I have never seen a marshall on duty on this course, then people play wild too often.
We met people running their dog while playing, a barking one all the time that is not easy for focus.
Another time people are playing very slow blocking the trafic, issuing jams and keep going playing slow, for many instances I have seen people playing either a foursome with only 3 bags that slows down the game, or playing 2 balls on each hole while playing single, even also beginners (ok everyone needs to learn and start) who not only are running slow but launch man at sea rescue for long minutes to try to save their lost balls (if they can afford a high green fee , then they should understand a lost ball is nothing compsared to the disturbance and they are making because of players packed behind them.
It really looks like nobody cares at this golf course management, just making money as much as they can during Summer time and they don't care if they are damaging the standard and fame of this golf course.
I guess Barriere company should have a close look at that.
还有的时候,人们打得很慢,堵塞了交通,造成了拥堵,而且一直打得很慢,在很多情况下,我看到人们要么打四人组,只有 3 个球袋,这减慢了比赛速度,要么一个人打球,每个洞打 2 个球,甚至初学者(好吧,每个人都需要学习和开始),他们不仅跑得很慢,而且还会长时间派遣海上救援人员来试图挽救他们丢失的球(如果他们能负担得起高昂的果岭费,那么他们应该明白,丢球与干扰相比根本不算什么,他们是因为后面挤满了球员才造成的。
我想 Barriere 公司应该仔细研究一下。