点评:Consonno was incredible, such a great find. It’s something completely different to everything else in the area.
We explored the old run down hotel and surrounding buildings which were great, some of the the old flooring is still in tact and it’s strange to imagine what the complex would have looked like 20 years ago.
There is some incredible artwork here - very talented graffiti artists.
The whole place is quite eerie and I’m glad that we went during the day - not sure how I would feel once the sun starts to set and it got dark. Whilst walking through what we assumed was the main hotel it did get dark so we used a flashlight and explored downstairs but quickly found daylight again!
Everything seemed solid when walking around but don’t forget it is a derelict site and caution should be used when walking around - there are fences up that have been pulled down or cut through so just use common sense when exploring and watch where you step.
The best way to get there is by parking at the top of the hill and walking down, make sure you park the car in front of the barrier which allegedly is sometimes open but don’t risk it as you could end up with your car locked in. The walk from the top down is about 15 minutes - there is a a helpful “checkpoint” spray painted on the floor. If you park the the bottom to walk up it will take about an hour to walk up the hill and there are some incredibly step sections so the recommendation is to drive to the top point and walk down.
翻译:Consonno 令人难以置信,真是个伟大的发现。它与该地区的其他地方完全不同。
我们探索了这家破旧的酒店和周围的建筑,它们很棒,一些旧地板仍然完好无损,很难想象 20 年前这个建筑群会是什么样子。
到达那里的最佳方式是将车停在山顶,然后步行下山。确保将车停在护栏前,据说护栏有时会打开,但不要冒险,因为您可能会将车锁在里面。从山顶步行下来大约需要 15 分钟 - 地板上喷涂了一个有用的“检查站”。如果您将车停在山下步行上山,则需要大约一个小时才能步行上山,而且有一些令人难以置信的阶梯路段,因此建议开车到山顶再步行下山。