点评:Recently i had the experience of catching no fish on a fly fishing outing with a guide from Land of Enchantment. First time i’ve been ‘skunked’ in decades of fishing.
Let’s start with the positive. It seems a good guide company with great reviews and initially the guide was very informative and pleasant. I found an edge developing as the weather worsened and it became apparent we would not be successful. We went to a lovely location to stillwater fish on cattle ponds fed by mountain streams. So clear that on eight occasions i could see the trout rise to the fly and not take it. Twice they bit but haphazardly and with little intent. Indeed, i paid an extra fee to enter a private ranch. To their credit i was returned the fee based on my negative response and request. Still, a pricey lesson in frustration. Again to the positive i was picked up and left off at my hotel. However the 4x4’s windshield was dangerously cracked giving me pause. The waders were fine though we didn’t wade but they kept my feet dry. I couldn’t tell you if the equipment was good. All i know is we did not change rods and only once changed flies. Nor did the guide have any success on his casts.
Call it poor weather, bad luck or my ‘inferred’ lack of fly fishing skill…it will not be repeated.
翻译:最近,我和 Land of Enchantment 的一位导游一起去钓鱼,结果一无所获。这是我几十年钓鱼生涯中第一次“失败”。