点评:Well if you want your child screamed at to the point of tears over a mistake with a wheelbarrow this is the place to go utter disgusting behaviour from a staff member we tried explaining we found an EMPTY wheelbarrow while pumpkin picking and apologised as we assumed like most places you go pumpkin picking empty EMPTY wheelbarrows are ok to use my 12 year old daughter took it back instantly and was met with a lady shouting in her face with such aggression it reduced her to tears and scared my toddler I honestly can't believe how she was treated over a simple misunderstanding and now the company try and twist it to make the lady look better for being verbally abusive to a CHILD over a slight inconvenience and mistake that was rectified straight away how very sad that you think it is OK to verbally abuse a CHILD over a simple mistake
翻译:好吧,如果你想让你的孩子因为手推车的错误而被尖叫到流泪,这就是你要去的地方,工作人员的行为令人作呕,我们试图解释说,我们在摘南瓜时发现了一个空的手推车,并道了歉,因为我们认为像大多数摘南瓜的地方一样,空的手推车是可以使用的,我 12 岁的女儿立即把它拿了回去,结果一位女士对着她脸大喊大叫,气势汹汹,把她逼哭了,还吓坏了我的孩子,老实说,我真不敢相信她因为一个简单的误会受到了怎样的对待,现在公司试图扭曲事实,让这位女士看起来更好,因为她因为一个小小的不便和错误而对一个孩子进行言语虐待,而这个错误马上就得到了纠正,你认为因为一个简单的错误而辱骂一个孩子是可以的,这真是太可悲了