点评:The popular culture museum in the lovely Renaissance Porcia castle is not so much a museum as an incredible collection of everyday items from the area of Spittal, from the last 400 years, painstakingly put together by volunteers over 5 decades.
It is organized in 42 themed rooms, centered around professions, crafts, tools, manufacturing processes, and everyday life.
It is a stark reminder of the incredible hardships our ancestors hade to endure, just to survive. But it also shows very well, how incredibly skilled and clever they were at making things, alway adding a decorative or personal touch, even on tools our household items.
There are a few descriptions on items one is looking at and a partial guide through QR codes.
A good tour will take about two hours.
The lady at the reception is exceptionally friendly and helpful.
Highly recommended!
翻译:位于美丽的文艺复兴时期波尔恰城堡的流行文化博物馆与其说是博物馆,倒不如说是斯皮特尔地区过去 400 年来由志愿者们精心收集的令人难以置信的日常用品的集合,这些物品都是志愿者们在 50 多年里精心收集起来的。
它分为 42 个主题房间,围绕职业、工艺、工具、制造流程和日常生活。
它清楚地提醒我们祖先为了生存不得不忍受的艰辛。 但它也很好地展示了他们在制作物品时是多么的熟练和聪明,总是在工具和家居用品上添加装饰或个人风格。