点评:This project was engineered to cool wastewater prior to entry into the river system. Some said it is sewage flowing through. Not exactly. Prior to this the cleaned water was discharged into the river at whatever temperature it was at the time. This took an abandoned lumber mill log pond and married it with the wastewater treatment as a benefit to all. It repurposes an abandoned log pond, cools and aerates water prior to discharge in the river, and provides walking trails for people. Yes it doesn't quite work as engineered but the cities are suing to recover money.
As for the place itself. Nice large parking area. Lots of interesting sites - waterfalls, ponds, animals, The paths are well marked and have a good surface. I take my dog here and the trails are varied and all loop. There are lots of people here but you don't notice them on the trails. Families, people with dogs, kids, runners are all part of the people you will find there.
至于地方本身。漂亮的大型停车场。许多有趣的景点 - 瀑布、池塘、动物,路径标记清晰,表面良好。我带着我的狗来这里,小径各不相同,而且都是环路。这里有很多人,但你不会在路上注意到他们。家庭、养狗的人、孩子、跑步者都是你会在那里找到的人的一部分。