点评:The museum is one of the best museums we have visited. It demonstrates the evolution of machinery and equipment and the value of the timber/foresty industry to the environment and other industries... eg. farming, mining, furniture, housing etc
We meandered around for 2 hours:- we saw a working steam sawmill, old equipment and machinery; timber working tools including the history of the axe; bullock wagons to a caterpillar grader; a cross section of 600+ year tree along with the explanations of the growth of a tree and the physical characteristics between species; saw the conservation efforts from over a hundred year ago ... the environmental aspect of forests and management.
Some of the displays are interactive ... a wood lathe in action and the foot pedal scroll / fret saw. A working blacksmith shop, the use of wood industry in mining ... the list goes on.
The whole display is informative and enlighening - world class. It's very well presented and we highly recommend a visit. Keep our history alive.
我们漫步了 2 个小时:- 我们看到了一个正在运行的蒸汽锯木厂、旧设备和机械;木材加工工具,包括斧头的历史;从牛车到履带式平地机;600 多年树的横截面以及树木生长和物种间物理特征的解释;看到了一百多年前的保护工作……森林和管理的环境方面。