If you're an adult and want to swim, don't bother coming here.
Frensham Great Pond and Common的点评
点评:I went here with my ex several years ago and just looked this place up to see if anything had changed that made it worth going to now.
We went here to do some wild swimming because it wasn't hot enough for the beach and I'm allergic to chlorine. We arrived, it was HIDEOUSLY overcrowded - the carpark is absolutely enormous allowing far more space for people to arrive than the beach can hold. The 'swimming' was a complete letdown. The cordoned off area was laughably small. I'm short - i'm 5ft3 and the water didn't even get above my waist. How can the National Trust even advertise this as a swimming area? It's a paddling area for very small children at best. The lake is certainly big enough to add a second barrier further out to allow adults to actually swim. I don't see why in places like Germany and The Netherlands and the USA swimming in lakes is absolutely commonplace and yet here you're restricted to paddling. It's pathetic, and there's no justifiable reason for it. If you don't have small kids and want to actually swim there is absolutely no reason to come here.
我们来这里是为了野外游泳,因为天气不够热,不适合去海滩,而且我对氯过敏。我们到了那里,那里人满为患——停车场非常大,可以容纳的人远远多于海滩所能容纳的人。“游泳”完全令人失望。隔离区小得可笑。我很矮——我只有 5 英尺 3 英寸,水甚至没过我的腰部。国家信托怎么能把这里宣传为游泳区?这里充其量只是供非常小的孩子玩的戏水区。湖面肯定足够大,可以再加一个屏障,让成年人真正游泳。我不明白为什么在德国、荷兰和美国这样的地方,在湖里游泳是绝对常见的,而在这里你只能划船。这太可悲了,没有任何正当理由。如果您没有小孩并且又想真正游泳,那么就没有必要来这里了。