点评:Looking rather like a movie set out of a post-apocalyptic movie, the town of Farina is fascinating. It has not been inhabited since 1967 but the effects of over nearly 60 years of abandonment combined with harsh weather patterns show the end result.
Thankfully this ghost town has a team of volunteers who are working to preserve what is left and developing it into quite a tourist destination. We missed the seasonal period of the underground bakery by a few weeks and will try to work a trip in next year.
The streets lined with partial ruins, or just piles of rock, most identified by signage. The old train track levee now a walking trail. The partially restored Transcontinental Hotel/Nurses Home is the centre piece of the ruins as it fronts the large car park. Walking trails will take you pass other buildings. Or you can be lazy and drive around the unsealed roads. We followed the signs and saw the camping ground, the cemetery and the War Memorial. There were a couple of areas that we did not view – saving that for the next trip.
With current land owners supporting development, Farina can look forward to becoming an outback destination.
翻译:法里纳镇看起来就像是世界末日电影中的场景,令人着迷。自 1967 年以来,这里一直无人居住,但近 60 多年的荒废和恶劣的天气模式的影响最终导致了这一结果。
街道两旁是部分废墟,或者只是一堆岩石,大多数都有标识。旧火车轨道堤坝现在是一条步行道。部分修复的 Transcontinental Hotel/Nurses Home 是废墟的中心,因为它面对着大型停车场。步行道会带你经过其他建筑物。或者你可以懒散地开车绕着未封闭的道路行驶。我们跟着路标,看到了露营地、墓地和战争纪念碑。有几个地方我们没有参观——留到下次再去吧。