点评:I'm going to basically repeat what some others have said concerning the route/drive up to the ghost town....because apparently I didn't read reviews well enough before we went. Ha!
If you are coming from I-90...like from Butte...DO NOT listen to Google Maps! When you see the sign that states RVs and buses should take the other route, you need to do the same no matter what you're driving. We didn't realize. We came up the old original mining road. In hindsight I'm really glad we had the experience and the memories! In the moment is was kind of insane. When we got to the top, I've never been so glad to see someone in an orange vest in my life. haha! The friendly lady directing to parking said they have tried so many things to get people not to follow the Google route.
My last tip about the drive - if you do happen to find yourself on the mining road and you come to the fork where there is signage and you can go left or right. GO RIGHT. We did not. Please don't let all this scare you away. It was such a neat place to see! We happened to be there on a special celebration day with period reenactors, special events, and festivities. The whole town shows up. So neat!
如果你是从 I-90 出发......比如从 Butte 出发......千万不要听谷歌地图!当你看到标明房车和巴士应走另一条路线的标志时,无论你开什么车,你都需要这样做。我们没有意识到。我们走上了原来的旧矿路。回想起来,我真的很高兴我们有这样的经历和回忆!那一刻有点疯狂。当我们到达山顶时,我这辈子从来没有这么高兴看到有人穿橙色背心。哈哈!指引停车场的友好女士说,他们尝试了很多方法让人们不要走谷歌路线。