Suspension bridge is cool, not an easy hike out
Hellroaring Creek Trailhead的点评
点评:We took the trail down to the suspension bridge. The trail was marked well and easy to follow. The first half of the trail switchbacks down the side of a decent hill and there is no shade. Then you proceed on down to the bridge under tree cover. The mosquitos were INSANE once we hit the shaded areas. We weren't expecting or prepared for them. We had to stop and apply bug spray. The bridge was pretty neat to cross and look around. Coming back guessed it... all uphill. Once you hit the switchbacks, it is definitely moderately challenging. We had 2 in our group who had to stop frequently to rest. Not an easy hike in my opinion due the return. It was in the 60s and sunny the day we were there and you get quite warm climbing out with no shade. Take some water. It took us around an hour and half round-trip.
翻译:我们沿着小路走到吊桥。这条小路标记得很好而且很容易遵循。前半段小路在一座像样的山坡上蜿蜒而下,没有树荫。然后继续前往树荫下的桥。当我们到达阴凉处时,蚊子就疯了。我们没有预料到或为他们做好准备。我们不得不停下来并使用杀虫剂。这座桥非常整洁,可以穿过并环顾四周。回来的时候……你猜对了……都是上坡路。一旦你遇到之字形,这绝对是具有一定挑战性的。我们组里有两个人不得不经常停下来休息。在我看来,由于回报,这不是一次轻松的加息。我们去的那天是 60 年代,天气晴朗,爬出去没有树荫,感觉很暖和。喝点水。我们来回大约花了一个半小时。