点评:This was not what I thought it would be. I contacted the owner to book a tour and told him our primary interest was to go bird watching. He said that the mangrove tour would not work because we were 2 and the minimum was 4 and that we could do the canoe tour. He said morning would be better to see birds. And there we went. It was probably the shortest tour in my life. We were back at the hotel by 10am. The guide pushed the canoe up the channels for a little bit. A really short bit, then he stopped in the middle of the tall grass and he asked if we wanted a drink. We didn’t really feel thirsty after sitting for 20min… so we just stayed there while the guide had his drink and texted on his phone. The weirdest part is that we were just there stopped in the middle of the tall grass where we could not see anything. Not even in one of the slightly open spaces where there are more water lilies and birds tend to stop. Then we went back and when we did see a king fisher and asked him to stop the canoe for us to be able to take a picture he seemed to ignore (not a language problem cause all of us could speak both English and Portuguese including him) and continued back. I thought it was a complete waste of money and by being back at 10am we lost the opportunity to use the day to go on other trips. The place is pretty with the water lilies and stuff. Maybe the night version is nice for people that just want to chill and watch the fireflies… I don’t know… But the morning version was really a waste of a vacation day. I wish the owner had just been straight and said that it was more of a sightseeing tour to be done at night and not really what I was asking for.
翻译:这不是我想象的那样。我联系了店主预订了一次旅行,并告诉他我们的主要兴趣是观鸟。他说红树林之旅不行,因为我们是 2 个人,最少是 4 个人,但我们可以参加独木舟之旅。他说早上看鸟会更好。我们就这样去了。这可能是我一生中最短的旅行。上午10点我们回到酒店。向导将独木舟推到了海峡上一段时间。很短的一段时间,然后他停在高高的草丛中间,问我们是否想喝一杯。坐了20分钟后我们并没有真正感到口渴……所以我们就呆在那里,而导游则喝着饮料并用手机发短信。最奇怪的是我们停在高高的草丛中间,什么也看不见。即使是在睡莲较多且鸟儿往往会停下来的稍微开放的空间之一也是如此。然后我们回去,当我们看到一个国王渔夫并要求他停下独木舟让我们能够拍照时,他似乎忽略了(这不是语言问题,因为我们所有人都可以说英语和葡萄牙语,包括他)并继续返回。我认为这完全是浪费钱,而且上午 10 点回来我们就失去了利用这一天去其他旅行的机会。这个地方很漂亮,有睡莲之类的东西。也许夜间版本适合那些只想放松一下并观看萤火虫的人……我不知道……但早上版本确实浪费了假期。我希望店主能直截了当地说这更多的是晚上的观光旅游,而不是我真正想要的。