点评:USE A TOUR GUIDE. Did this hike alone on our honeymoon, It was so beautiful and magical. But it is certainly not for the faint of heart. A chunk of the trail here is easy, just wooden planks built into the hillside for an easy path. BUT we only had 5 hours with our kayak rental and that made this trip dangerous. The paddle there was easy enough, for me, a literal first time kayaker. I wouldn't say I'm in shape, but i can run far enough without collapsing.
There are 3 or so small stream crossings that are easy enough, but the pebbles in the streams and the mud trails that make up most of the trail forced us to take it slow. Even in my water shoes those pebbles felt like lego's. If I had the time I would have liked to rotate hiking boots and water shoes/ go barefoot whenever we crossed water. There is a section where you literally have to rock climb maybe 10 feet, and then drop back down it on your way home.
At the actual waterfall, BE CAREFUL, we slipped on the rocks and those lego stones several times. The whole time fearing one of us would sprain an ankle, and then need to use the HELICOPTER LANDING ZONE that you will pass by on the way here. Even that is pretty far away from the waterfall.
Some reviewers/tour guides say this is fit from ages 5-75, ABSOLETLEY NOT. I even had a 60yo co-worker, on vacation in Virginia at the time, who had a stroke on an "easy" hike.
翻译:使用导游。我们蜜月期间独自完成了这次徒步旅行,它是如此美丽和神奇。但这绝对不适合胆小的人。这里的一段路径很容易,只是在山坡上建造了木板,以便于行走。但我们只租了 5 个小时的皮划艇,这让这次旅行变得危险。对于我这个第一次划皮划艇的人来说,那里的划桨很容易。我不会说我身体状况很好,但我可以跑得足够远而不会倒下。
有 3 个左右的小溪很容易穿过,但溪流中的鹅卵石和构成大部分路径的泥泞小径迫使我们放慢速度。即使穿着水鞋,那些鹅卵石也感觉像乐高积木。如果我有时间,我想在过水时轮换穿登山靴和水鞋/赤脚。有一段路你真的需要攀爬大约 10 英尺的岩石,然后在回家的路上再滑下来。
一些评论者/导游说这适合 5-75 岁的人,绝对不是。我甚至有一位 60 岁的同事,当时在弗吉尼亚度假,他在一次“轻松”的徒步旅行中中风了。