点评:Owen is simply the best, we first visited in November 2023 and the quality of the suits, shirt and trousers brought us back again this year.
The fitting experience is fabulous, he can make things usually within a day. Any alterations at all that are needed are done until you are completely satisfied.
There are so many fabrics to choose from and everything is made with a real attention to detail (monogrammed shirt cuffs, names embroidered in jackets). You choose the fabric, buttons and thread colours. Everything is made exactly how you want it. This year we took in 2 photos of things we wanted and they were made exactly as pictured.
Owen also takes great care to package everything for your journey home.
Great quality, exceptional service and simply fantastic in every way. Highly recommend!
翻译:Owen 简直是最好的,我们第一次来是在 2023 年 11 月,西装、衬衫和裤子的质量让我们今年又回来了。
有很多面料可供选择,一切都非常注重细节(衬衫袖口有字母,夹克上绣有名字)。您可以选择面料、纽扣和线的颜色。一切都完全按照您的要求制作。今年我们拍了 2 张我们想要的东西的照片,它们和图片一模一样。
Owen 还非常小心地为您的回家之旅打包一切。