点评:Hired one of the 5-star spa boats and was extremely happy with the condition of the boat and the amenities on board. The staff at the company went out of their way to ensure we had an enjoyable time and provided ample tips on where to go, fishing and travelling with the tides. Traveling with the tide is important as travelling against it almost halves your speed and significantly increases fuel costs.
We had the boat for a week and did have to return twice for water, but it was over 30 degrees each day and we used too much 😊. There were a couple of minor problems with the boat that were fixed when we did return, we received a discount on fuel to compensate for the minor inconvenience.
The scenery on the Hawkesbury is spectacular and the only way to see most of it is from the river as there is no other access. Sitting on the top deck in the spa taking in the views (Sipping a quiet ale) is an extremely enjoyable experience.
Having read some previous negative reviews I am unsure what happened there but I can assure you we did not have any negative experiences with the boat or any of our many interactions with the company.
If you are looking at a trip on the Hawkesbury I would highly recommend getting one of the boats from Able Hawkesbury.
我们有船一周,确实要返回两次取水,但每天都超过 30 度,我们用得太多了😊。当我们返回时,船上有几个小问题得到了修复,我们获得了燃料折扣以弥补轻微的不便。
霍克斯伯里 (Hawkesbury) 的景色非常壮观,要观赏大部分景色,唯一的方式就是从河上,因为没有其他通道。坐在水疗中心的顶层甲板上欣赏美景(啜饮一杯安静的啤酒)是一种非常愉快的体验。
如果您正在寻找霍克斯伯里之旅,我强烈建议您从 Able Hawkesbury 购买其中一艘船。