Rich treasured experience, guided by the custodians of the Arahura
Arahura Greenstone Tours的点评
点评:I felt called to do this tour and am immensely grateful I did. If you want more than a greenstone souvenir (which may or may not be pounamu from NZ), and you are open to learning about pounamu (and more) in a personalised way from an authentic guide/ kaitiaki, then this is the tour to do. I learnt about pounamu as the stone of the gods, the stories explaining different types of pounamu, how it heals, how to find it in the Arahura (the river constantly brings forth fresh stones to be found, especially after floods), and how to craft into a beautiful necklace. I can now pass onto my children along with the stories for them to add their own layers of meaning for their descendents. Tangi also shared rich personal perspectives from his lived experience, relationships & Kati Wae Wae hapu (the owners and custodians of the Arahura).
翻译:我觉得自己应该参加这次旅行,并且非常感激我参加了这次旅行。如果您想要的不仅仅是绿玉纪念品(可能是也可能不是新西兰的普纳姆),并且您愿意从一位正宗的导游/kaitiaki 那里以个性化的方式了解普纳姆(以及更多),那么这次旅行就是您的不二之选。我了解了普纳姆作为神石,了解了解释不同类型普纳姆的故事,了解了它如何治愈,如何在阿拉胡拉找到它(这条河不断带来新的石头,尤其是在洪水过后),以及如何制作成一条漂亮的项链。我现在可以把这些故事传给我的孩子们,让他们为他们的后代增添自己的意义。Tangi 还从他的亲身经历、人际关系和 Kati Wae Wae hapu(阿拉胡拉的所有者和保管人)分享了丰富的个人观点。