点评:This bridge is amazing as you get to view a range of Chihuly's glass works enclosed in glass, on a pedestrian footbridge (as part of the bridge!), which takes you to the Glass Museum and Waterway among other sites. We went on a sunny day to see these 3 installations and it was brilliant. One was sea-themed and the colours of glass really made you feel you were under the water. Ironically, there are two crystal-like towers there that are NOT made of glass! Then there is the section called the "Venetian Wall" which reminds you of art-deco stylings. This bridge is free to access 24h a day and I am amazed no one has done any harm (it's glass!!) to it and thankful. It is really special. I would love to see this at night when it's all lit up. Nearby paid parking at the Museum of Glass' garage and metered street-parking on Dock St. Go see it if you like glass and art!!
翻译:这座桥非常神奇,您可以在人行天桥(作为桥的一部分!)上看到一系列用玻璃包裹的奇胡利玻璃作品,这条天桥将带您前往玻璃博物馆和水道等景点。我们在一个阳光明媚的日子去参观了这 3 个装置,真是太棒了。其中一个以海洋为主题,玻璃的颜色真的让您感觉自己在水下。讽刺的是,那里有两座水晶般的塔,它们不是用玻璃制成的!然后有一个叫做“威尼斯墙”的部分,它让您想起装饰艺术风格。这座桥全天 24 小时免费开放,我很惊讶没有人对它造成任何伤害(它是玻璃!!)并心存感激。它真的很特别。我很想在晚上看到它,那时它全都亮了起来。附近的玻璃博物馆车库有付费停车场,码头街有计费街边停车场。如果您喜欢玻璃和艺术,就去看看吧!!