点评:This was not our first time here. My husband and I first visited Seoul in 2015, and our guide at the time took us here and had us hold all kinds of live fish by the tail. Instagram of course. He was buddies with one purveyor and had him cut the fish into fresh sashimi. We headed up to an empty dining area and had the sashimi for lunch. We were impressed. This time we were on our own, so we spent a lot more time browsing what is South Korea’s largest wholesale fish market. There are over 700 vendors crowded onto two large warehouse floors. We gravitated toward one of the quieter purveyors who had a huge aquarium of fish (who didn’t realize their immediate fate) as well as saran-covered plates of sashimi. Pointing at one of the plates, I had presumed he was going to sell me that. But no, he took it as a cue to find the corresponding fish in the tank and cut it up for us. A guy came out of nowhere and swooped in to take the resulting plate and lead us to the restaurant where they were planning to prepare it for us. Apparently there are a lot of agreements between the fishermen and the restaurant owners to do just that. There was little to prepare since we were eating it fresh, but we did get salad and various fresh veggies on the side. It was still quite a unique experience with a nice payoff at the end.
翻译:这不是我们第一次来这里。我和丈夫第一次来首尔是在 2015 年,当时我们的导游带我们来这里,让我们抓着各种活鱼的尾巴。当然是 Instagram。他和一位供应商是好朋友,让他把鱼切成新鲜的生鱼片。我们走到一个空荡荡的用餐区,吃了生鱼片当午餐。我们印象深刻。这次我们是独自一人,所以我们花了更多时间浏览韩国最大的鱼批发市场。两层大仓库里挤满了 700 多家供应商。我们被其中一家比较安静的供应商吸引住了,他有一个巨大的鱼缸(这些鱼都没有意识到自己的命运)以及用保鲜膜包裹的生鱼片盘子。指着其中一个盘子,我以为他要把那个卖给我。但没有,他把它当作一个暗示,在鱼缸里找到了相应的鱼,并把它切给了我们。一个男人突然出现,拿起盘子,带我们去餐厅,他们正计划在那里为我们准备食物。显然,渔民和餐馆老板之间有很多协议。因为我们吃的是新鲜的,所以不需要准备什么,但我们确实得到了沙拉和各种新鲜蔬菜。这仍然是一次相当独特的体验,最终的回报也不错。