点评:We had a great 3 days. We are a couple in our 40s of moderate fitness at best. The experience and guides made it one of those 'one in a lifetime' experiences of seeing gibbons in the wild and sleeping in a tree house.
I couldn't find much online re details of the itinerary or honeymoon suite so thought I'd post here. THERE ARE STILL GIBBONS. We got up early both mornings to see them feasting in a tree a short walk and zip away. I have posted photos of the house which has all the basics and excellent views. Soap, towels, bedding and a flushing toilet! 3 meals a day. Your own personal guides with honeymoon suite.
Lunch at the edge of the jungle day 1 then trek into Zip region. Zip lining to get in to house and around the jungle. Day 2 gibbons and tour of other tree houses with as much Zip lining as you want/need. Day 3 MORE GIBBONS and MORE ZIP LINING then trek out of jungle.
Hope this helps.
翻译:我们度过了美好的三天。我们是一对 40 多岁的夫妇,身体状况最好是中等。这次经历和导游让我们有机会在野外看到长臂猿,在树屋里睡觉,这真是“一生难得”的经历之一。
第一天在丛林边缘吃午餐,然后徒步进入 Zip 地区。使用 Zip 滑索进入房子并绕过丛林。第二天,看长臂猿,游览其他树屋,尽情享受 Zip 滑索。第 3 天,继续观赏长臂猿和滑索,然后徒步走出丛林。