Extremely, unnecessarily RUDE attendant
Archeologisch Museum Haarlem的点评
点评:I was there with two older kids and despite having a great time, doing the puzzles, watching the animations, reading the guide books, one of the attendants basically kicked us out - rude and presumptuous and unnecessarily awful. Just walked up to us out of the blue while we were looking at the skeletons book and said “what are you DOING here?! You’re not looking at the exhibits”, We’d been there for about half an hour saw all the cases, and had just finished watching the animation video on the history of Haarlem and my younger was doing the colouring in activity. Hurt and confused with kids nearly in tears we just left. Would have been a great little museum stop but this attendant was so atrociously, unnecessarily rude to us. Please rethink this attitude - it was nasty and came out of nowhere. Why on earth would anyone do this? I’m so confused and angry and I feel bad for the organisation as it’s a small, free, local museum but with staff like that nobody will come back. Ever.