点评:I used to go horse-riding up that hill. Later I spent many happy hours there with friends who did experimental photography and filmmaking - this place always set the right tone. I live nearby and am sad to see that it is being redeveloped now to facilitate corporate visitors and family activities, outdoors sports etc. The local council are promoting this new enterprise with a vanilla marketing campaign.
Dubliners and horror fans will have to say RIP to what was an authentically spooky place.
I've written several articles about it and it is the setting for a particularly chilling scene in my book "unRIP" (written under the pen-name Aneeta Hall). I'm giving away FREE Kindle copies on Amazon this weekend (search "unRIP" + "AneetaHall"). The screenplay based on the book also recently won three awards. I'd love to get some reviews on Amazon / Goodreads.
都柏林人和恐怖片迷们将不得不对这个真正令人毛骨悚然的地方说一声 RIP。
我写了几篇关于它的文章,这是我的书“unRIP”(以笔名 Aneeta Hall 写作)中一个特别令人毛骨悚然的场景的背景。本周末我将在亚马逊上免费赠送 Kindle 版(搜索“unRIP”+“AneetaHall”)。根据这本书改编的剧本最近也获得了三项大奖。我很想在亚马逊/Goodreads 上得到一些评论。