点评:Very impressed with Tignes and booking to return! We found pistes to be well covered enough with snow during our stay and the queues (even though it's holiday time in France) to be manageable throughout the day. We did notice dangerous skiers quite often unfortunately, out of control and/or not leaving room for less experienced people to enjoy the slopes. Unfortunately the older skier in our group (over 70 yrs) was completely put off by this, and has given up skiing for good, which is really a shame.
I notice a lot of reviews saying beginners struggled here but our child (primary school age) learned to ski and really enjoyed it. For children who true beginners both ESF and Evolution have cordoned off areas making it safe for them, and children progress to the mountains later in the week.
What really surprised me was the good service we experienced nearly 100% of the time in restaurants. We were usually greeted nicely and sat quickly. Food generally arrived quickly and was decent, staff were really welcoming and chatty. It made our trip!
翻译:对蒂涅印象深刻,并预定了回程!我们发现在我们入住期间,滑雪道被雪覆盖得足够好,排队(尽管当时是法国的假期)全天都很容易控制。不幸的是,我们确实经常注意到危险的滑雪者,他们失控了,或者没有给经验不足的人留下空间来享受滑雪的乐趣。不幸的是,我们团队中年龄较大的滑雪者(超过 70 岁)对此完全望而却步,并彻底放弃了滑雪,这真是太可惜了。
我注意到很多评论说初学者在这里很难,但我们的孩子(小学年龄)学会了滑雪,并且真的很喜欢。对于真正的初学者,ESF 和 Evolution 都封锁了区域,以确保他们的安全,孩子们将在本周晚些时候前往山区。
真正让我感到惊讶的是,我们在餐厅几乎 100% 的时间都体验到了良好的服务。我们通常会受到热情的欢迎并很快入座。食物通常很快就送到了,而且很不错,工作人员非常热情好客。这让我们的旅行很完美!