点评:I always wanted to visit Nirox but never got the chance to, when a friend invited me to come along on a Sunday to view an exhibit at the gallery. The exhibit featured unique handcrafted jewelry by a German artist - which was amazing. What was more tantalizing were the gardens and sculptures that were showcased. Made by renowned South African and established visiting foreign artists, the park's immense acreage serves as a fusion of nature and aesthetics. Beautiful tree-lined pathways let you venture into a wonderland of imagination and the off-beaten foot paths lead you to incredible discoveries that pique the curiosity. Not to mention the park can host private events and gatherings. And if you are there and need a place to eat, "And then there was fire" is an amazing fine dining, family friendly restaurant that you should endeavor to visit.
翻译:我一直想去 Nirox,但一直没有机会,直到一个朋友邀请我周日去画廊看展览。展览展示了一位德国艺术家制作的独特手工珠宝——非常精彩。更诱人的是展出的花园和雕塑。这些作品由著名的南非艺术家和知名的来访外国艺术家创作,公园面积广阔,融合了自然和美学。美丽的林荫小径让您进入一个充满想象力的仙境,人迹罕至的小径带您发现令人难以置信的事物,激发您的好奇心。更不用说公园可以举办私人活动和聚会。如果您在那里需要吃饭的地方,“然后有火”是一家很棒的高级餐厅,适合家庭用餐,您应该努力去看看。