点评:I'd been looking forward to visiting the Howff for many many years as several of my ancestors are buried there and were quite important figures in Dundee's history. (11th great grandfather James Petrie, 8th great grandfather Andrew Wardroper and others including Lieut General Sir William Chalmers who fought at Waterloo.)
I was rather disappointed and disgusted by what I found there. One dog walker was allowing his pet to s**t on the graves. There were wild rabbits everywhere and they had dug into graves all over the sight. This was especially bad at the far end where the undermining is so bad they have fenced the area off. This is where my ancestors are buried; in a much neglected area. Whoever is in charge of the Howff they should be ashamed for letting an important part of Scottish history fall into such rack and ruin.
翻译:多年来,我一直期待着参观豪夫,因为我的几位祖先都埋葬在那里,他们都是邓迪历史上非常重要的人物。 (第 11 代曾祖父詹姆斯·皮特里、第 8 代曾祖父安德鲁·沃德罗珀以及曾在滑铁卢作战的中将威廉·查尔默斯爵士等人。)