点评:My son was enrolled in the summer camp program at Summit Park District. Camp started Monday, July 31, 2023. Day 2 of my son being in camp, he came home with a bit on his abdomen. No one called to inform us of this incident, we didn’t find out that he was bitten by another kids until we came to pick him up. Which is unacceptable!!! They wiped the bite with an alcohol wipe and put a bandage over it. He also had a knot on the back of his head, but he stated that happened when he fell trying to kick a ball. We weren’t notified about that incident either. Here we are, day 4 and he has been kicked out of summer camp because a little girl claimed that my son touched her private part on accident. While they were under a cover together. Why are the boys and girls under a cover together in the first place? Also, if what took place was an accident, why is you kicking him out?
翻译:我儿子参加了峰会公园区的夏令营项目。营地于 2023 年 7 月 31 日星期一开始。我儿子在营地的第二天,他回家时腹部有一点东西。没有人打电话通知我们这件事,直到我们来接他才发现他被另一个孩子咬了。这是不可接受的!他们用酒精湿巾擦拭伤口,并用绷带包扎。他的后脑勺也有一个结,但他说这是在他试图踢球时摔倒时发生的。我们也没有收到有关该事件的通知。第四天,他被赶出了夏令营,因为一个小女孩声称我儿子不小心碰了她的私处。当他们一起躲在掩护下时。首先,为什么男孩和女孩会躲在一起?还有,如果发生的事情是意外的话,你为什么要把他赶出去?