点评:The Wolf Popper synagogue was founded by a single man - Mr. Wolf Popper; a 17th century rich banker and trader who lived in Kazimierz.
The synagogue was beautifully decorated, but with Mr. Popper passing it lacked funding. The war further destroyed it, and some parts of the decorations are now to be found in Jerusalem museums.
It ended services as a synagogue in 1965, and was converted into a bookstore selling Hebrew literature as well as beautiful notebooks. Also available are English and other language books on the history of Jews in Poland. A very eccentric little place.
The main feature though to me was the mural on the left when entering the small courtyard; a painting clearly inspired by Chagall with the violin and the fiddler, the bride and groom, the wandering Jew, the menorah etc. Both modern and drawing lines back to key symbols of Hebrew art.
It is a nice place to bring back a little souvenir from Kazimierz. Entrance is of course free!
翻译:Wolf Popper 犹太教堂是由一个人——Wolf Popper 先生创立的;一位 17 世纪富有的银行家和商人,住在卡齐米日。
它于 1965 年结束了作为犹太教堂的服务,并被改造成一家出售希伯来文学作品和精美笔记本的书店。还提供有关波兰犹太人历史的英语和其他语言书籍。一个非常古怪的小地方。