点评:Cherry picking was not in our to-do list during our stay in Kelowna. However, we added this because a few changes in our plan provided us an extra few hours. A bit of research helped us shortlist a few orchards and it was one of them. The season having been late this year, not all the orchards were open at that time. This orchard opened to customers just a couple of days earlier.
I was particularly interested in the yellow variety and asked the front desk personnel of our hotel the previous day to check if this orchard was ready with yellow cherries. And the response was yes, they were ready with “Stardust”. So we went to this orchard the next afternoon a little before 3 pm and found the gate closing. There were several groups of customers at that time, some were leaving and some were still inside. Thankfully, a little bit of persuasion let us in.
At first we went for the “Early Yellow” variety as per their website. However, we got confused as the personnel working there termed the yellow variety as “Rainier”. As per their website it was not yet time for the Rainier to be ready for picking. And there was no mention of "Stardust". It was very hot, but we managed to pick about 8 lbs of cherries belonging to two varieties in about half an hour. The people in the orchard were friendly and helping. It was a nice experience and would have been nicer if we knew what specific variety of cherry we were picking.
我对黄色品种特别感兴趣,前一天问了我们酒店的前台人员,看看这个果园有没有黄樱桃。答案是肯定的,他们已经准备好了“Stardust”。所以我们第二天下午 3 点前去了这个果园,发现大门关闭了。当时有好几批顾客,有的要走了,有的还在里面。谢天谢地,一点说服力让我们进去了。
起初我们根据他们的网站选择了“早黄”品种。然而,我们感到困惑,因为那里的工作人员将黄色品种称为“Rainier”。根据他们的网站,雷尼尔还没有准备好采摘。并且没有提到“星尘”。天气很热,但我们在大约半小时内采摘了大约 8 磅属于两个品种的樱桃。果园里的人们都很友好,乐于助人。这是一次很好的体验,如果我们知道我们采摘的樱桃具体品种会更好。