Amazing Jungle Adventure with good food and challenging paths!
Wildlife And Jungle Adventure - Ecofoot的点评
点评:We booked a jungle tour with them and had an amazing experience! Would definitely recommend this tour to nature loving people. Food was also delicious.
Since we were there in the low season we had a private tour with 5 guides from them who picked us up with their motorbikes and easyrided us through the day. We visited the phong nha botanical garden and rescue center first and started our trip into the jungle from there.
After a visit to the rescued animals we started to walk down into the valley through fairly easy walkable paths. At some point we took a steeper path which led us through way more densely grown terrain into the valley. Beautiful footpath through thick vietnamese jungle. This part requires a certain level of sure-footedness especially if it‘s rainy as was the case for us.
At the bottom of this path we had lunch in a well protected and dry area, thus also suitable for rainy days. Lunch was amazing. The guides prepared pork and vegetables fried over a natural fire pit. With some provided herbs, sprouts and fresh vegetables you could roll your own vietnamese fresh rolls. Freshly cut watermelon as well as tea and coffee was provided after the lunch.
Our way back up led us through dense jungle terrain again and eventually up the waterfall you can see from the botanical garden. We greatly appreciated the help from the tour guides who made sure we don‘t trip and fall into the flowing waters.
I don‘t think they lead all guests up the waterfall as it requires even better grip and technique than the jungle paths, but this was an absolute highlight to navigate the challenging rocks of the waterfall.
So far the best tour we did in Phong Nha and Vietnam. Would definitely recommend it to sure-footed and physically active people!
因为我们是在淡季去的,所以我们参加了一次私人旅行,他们有 5 名导游,他们骑着摩托车来接我们,并带我们度过了一天。我们首先参观了风牙植物园和救援中心,然后从那里开始了我们的丛林之旅。