Beautiful on the outside, even better inside. Don't leave Tampa without stopping there
Sacred Heart Catholic Church的点评
点评:Having grown up in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, our go to church was Most Holy Trinity on Montrose Ave. This church was where we baptized two of our children, renewed our 25th anniversary vows and thru the years a host of other religious activities. This church was also used in the movie Sleepers. Great neighborhood church and beautiful inside.
HOWEVER, Sacred Heart in Tampa is both beautiful and unique. The ornate displays, the altar, marble columns, incredible stained glass windows, lectern, mighty organ and the overall building is to behold and enjoy. My wife and I attended a Sunday 12:00 PM mass and the homily for the day was about love and caring. The priest hit a homerun and hit close to home. Uplifting with humbleness, and love toward your fellow man. This church is the oldest active Catholic Church in the west coast of Florida.
If you are not Catholic, not to worry, no one checks your ID at the door or ask about your beliefs. A great respite, and a non forgettable experience. Plus you get to experience an inspirational building for free.
翻译:我们在布鲁克林的威廉斯堡长大,所以去的教堂是蒙特罗斯大道上的至圣三一教堂。这座教堂是我们为两个孩子施洗、更新我们结婚 25 周年誓言以及多年来举办许多其他宗教活动的地方。这座教堂也出现在电影《沉睡者》中。很棒的邻里教堂,里面很漂亮。
然而,坦帕的圣心教堂既美丽又独特。华丽的展示、祭坛、大理石柱、令人难以置信的彩色玻璃窗、讲台、强大的管风琴和整个建筑都值得观赏和欣赏。我和我的妻子参加了周日中午 12:00 的弥撒,当天的讲道是关于爱和关怀的。神父击出本垒打,击中近垒。谦虚地鼓舞人心,并对同胞充满爱心。这座教堂是佛罗里达州西海岸最古老的活跃天主教堂。