点评:Just arrived with my son to find prices have gone up again. Now £10 for a 4 year old, for just 2 hours. And nothing new on offer, I'm told it's Labour's fault for putting up NI. No it's not, it's the owners profiteering. Still charging parents £1 each to watch whilst spending money in their cafe. No one goes on the go carts because they have doubled the price from £1 to £2. The coffee that everyone including the staff say is terrible, is still terrible. And they wonder why people sneak their own food and drink in. Even though the owners continually give out messages warning you not to bring your own food.
This time we will not be back, plenty of other places with more pleasant owners and not so money grabbing. The place used to be packed, this visit only 20% of tables taken on a rainy day. Says it all
翻译:刚带儿子来就发现价格又涨了。现在 4 岁的孩子 10 英镑,只玩 2 个小时。而且没有什么新东西,我听说这是工党的错,因为他们推出了 NI。不,不是,是老板们牟取暴利。他们仍然向父母收取 1 英镑的费用,让他们在咖啡馆里看守。没有人去玩卡丁车,因为他们把价格从 1 英镑翻了一番,变成了 2 英镑。包括员工在内的每个人都说咖啡很难喝,现在仍然很难喝。他们想知道为什么人们会偷偷带自己的食物和饮料进来。尽管店主不断发出警告,警告你不要自带食物。
这次我们不会再来了,很多其他地方的店主更友善,也不会那么贪财。这个地方以前人满为患,这次去的时候,在雨天只有 20% 的桌子被占用。说明了一切