点评:Although set back from the road and away from the busy tourist centre of the village, this is very much the heart of the community with a lot of activities based around the church.
It is an interesting building. The chancel dates from the C14, the nave and tower with its cupola dome are C18th. It had a late C19th makeover when the wooden ceiling in the nave was added replacing a flat plaster ceiling and the rood screen replacecd. The font and pulpit date from then. The beautiful reredos above the altar and painted chancel roof are early C20th. Another boun are the stained glass windows - the work of CE Kempe.
All the different additions complement each other leading to an attractive church. It is definitely worth a visit.
Also look out for the traditional Cotswold bale tomb in the churchyard by the chancel. The top was carved to resemble bales of wool and these are found on the graves of C17th wool merchants.
这是一座有趣的建筑。圣坛的历史可以追溯到 C14,中殿和带有圆顶的塔楼是 C18 的。它进行了十九世纪末的改造,增加了中殿的木制天花板,取代了平坦的石膏天花板,并更换了圣坛屏风。字体和讲坛就是从那时开始的。祭坛上方的美丽重画和彩绘圣坛屋顶是 20 世纪早期的作品。另一个亮点是彩色玻璃窗——CE Kempe 的作品。
还可以留意圣坛旁教堂墓地里传统的科茨沃尔德草捆墓。顶部被雕刻成类似羊毛包的形状,这些羊毛在 17 世纪羊毛商人的坟墓上被发现。