点评:After my previous review at Mt Prau(I just noticed I omitted the mountain name in the previous review)
We head down the hill to the foot of the hill.
Amazing scenery of multi colors jeeps heading to our breakfast destination for picnic breakfast.
Marvellous view but wear your mask coz the volcanic ashes is splashing your faces. Interesting ride but if you have carsickness prepare to take the pill first.
We have engaged a photographer but best to have your own to capture the beautiful landscape. The weather was cool.
Spend about 3hours here and where the horses are waiting. The horse handlers are super polite but many horses are pretty young. Upon reaching the volcano foothills, we have to climb about 200odd steps. Please go to the toilets before you go on the trip up.
Just climb up and enjoy the volcano view. Make your wishes with the flowers sold there. Be careful coz there are bugs in those flowers. Harmless but better be careful.
You can ask the horse handlers to help you to take photos. Some of them are good.
Remember to tip them generously.
It was exciting for me.
在这里待了大约 3 个小时,马匹在等着我们。马夫非常有礼貌,但许多马都很年轻。到达火山山麓后,我们必须爬大约 200 多个台阶。上山之前请先去洗手间。