点评:This tour is a camping tour - not a luxory one. We started early every day between 5am and 5:30, stayed 1-2 nights at each campsite
worked together as a group to prepare meals, wash dishes and pack up everything for departure early morning.
The itinery is very well chosen to visit the most beatiful spots of the Kimberleys - other tour providers do not go to Mitchell Falls
or Wolfe Creek Crater.
A good level of fitness is expected, some activities are not easy like grade 5 walks, sometimes in the heat, but you get rewarded by magnificent
landscapes, waterfalls and cool-downs by swimming in verious gorges or rock pools. But there is also the option to skip walks.
Our tour guides Andy and Steve did an absolutely outstanding job to show us the most beatiful of the Kimberleys,
explain rock art, drive us along bumpy roads and even play the guitar at a campfire in the evening.
When the bus failed at Drystale, Dean brought a replacement bus by driving 700km along the Gibb River Road through the night,
so next day we were on the road again. Amazing!
I had high expectations to this tour, and I have to admit, they got exceeded very well.
My personal rating is 7 out of 5 stars - a tour that has been an absolute lifetime experience for me.
翻译:这次旅行是露营之旅,不是豪华之旅。我们每天早上 5 点到 5 点半就出发,在每个露营地住 1-2 晚
需要良好的体能水平,有些活动并不容易,比如 5 级徒步,有时还要冒着酷暑,但你会欣赏到壮丽的风景、瀑布,还可以在各种峡谷或岩石池中游泳降温。但也可以不去徒步。
当巴士在 Drystale 出故障时,Dean 连夜沿 Gibb River Road 行驶了 700 公里,带来了一辆替换巴士,
我个人的评分是 5 星中的 7 星 - 这次旅行对我来说绝对是一生难忘的经历。