点评:I went to visit the Damas island in a tour. The tours leaves from Punta Choros. The ride cost CLP$15000 around US$15-16 per person.
Punta Choros is about 100 km north La Serena, the ride is around one and half hour. Need to go north using route 5 and then take a secondary road. The road are in good condition but the speed limit in the secondary road is 70km/h (40mph) because some foxes and other animals cross the road.
When arriving to Punta Choros, drive to the end and find the pier. You can park inside the pier for around $3. Then you have to buy a ticket to go in the boat for $15. The boat has a guide that tells you all about the penguins and the island, but it’s in spanish.
The complete ride takes about 1 and a half hours. Usually you are not allowed to step in the islands, just go around in the boat. There very limited quotas for visiting the island each day. So you need to arrive very early if you want to disembark in one of them. Also you need to pay an additional fee to national parks services of around $7.
Anyway, the tour is very beautiful you can watch the sea wolfs and the penguins. If you are lucky also sometimes you can watch the whales.
翻译:我去达马斯岛旅游。旅游团从蓬塔乔罗斯 (Punta Choros) 出发。乘车费用为每人 15,000 智利比索,约 15-16 美元。
Punta Choros 位于拉塞雷纳以北约 100 公里处,车程约一个半小时。需要沿5号公路向北行驶,然后走二级公路。道路状况良好,但二级道路的速度限制为 70 公里/小时(40 英里/小时),因为一些狐狸和其他动物穿过马路。
到达蓬塔乔罗斯 (Punta Choros) 后,开车到尽头并找到码头。您可以将车停在码头内,费用约为 3 美元。然后你要买一张15美元的船票才能上船。船上有导游,可以告诉您有关企鹅和岛屿的所有信息,但是西班牙语的。
全程大约需要1个半小时。一般情况下是不允许上岛的,只能坐船绕一圈。每天上岛的名额非常有限。因此,如果您想乘坐其中一辆下船,您需要尽早到达。此外,您还需要支付约 7 美元的国家公园服务额外费用。