If you are in the Hagerstown area and you have some time to visit any site do not hesitate to visit the fantastic Hagerstown Aviation Museum.
I organized a WWII reunion for our 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion family in Hagerstown in June of 2024. The Aviation Museum was on our itinerary. The staff including Karen aka "Hagerstown Rosie", Kurtis and John rolled out the red carpet for our group of about 30 family members. They could not have been more welcoming and kind. The staff is so knowledgeable about the aircraft in their massive collection and Hagerstown's link to the early days of aviation. WOW!
They made each and every person in our group feel special. The staff invited us to climb inside three huge planes that sit adjacent to the historic hangar. Truly a special day. In fact, one of the members in our 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion family said the visit was one of the "Coolest" experiences we have ever done. (See photos)
There is a short video introducing visitors to the early days of aviation in Hagerstown and how the area became a powerhouse in the production of aircraft.
Many of our family members also purchased items in their extensive gift shop.
Thank you, Karen, Kurtis and John for a wonderful tour. Each and every person on the tour left with special memories.
Keep up the great work in keeping our aviation history alive. Hope to see you down the road again some day.
Remember, if you're planning a visit to Hagerstown put the HAM high on your "To See" list.
2024 年 6 月,我在黑格斯敦为我们第 692 坦克歼击营家庭组织了二战团聚。航空博物馆在我们的行程中。包括 Karen 又名“黑格斯敦罗西”、Kurtis 和 John 在内的工作人员为我们约 30 名家庭成员铺上了红地毯。他们热情友好。工作人员对他们庞大的收藏中的飞机以及黑格斯敦与航空业早期的联系非常了解。哇!
他们让我们团队中的每个人都感到特别。工作人员邀请我们爬进历史悠久的机库旁边的三架巨型飞机。真是特别的一天。事实上,我们第 692 坦克歼击营的一名成员说,这次参观是我们经历过的“最酷”的体验之一。(见照片)
感谢 Karen、Kurtis 和 John 为我们带来精彩的旅行。旅行中的每个人都留下了特别的回忆。
记住,如果你计划访问黑格斯敦,请将 HAM 列为你的“必看”清单的首位。