点评:Exquisite Church in a delightful picturesque village location. This building, is like many others a mixture of many styles and centuries. Happily, it all comes together smoothly, and yet are quite identifable, from the Norman font, and windows, as well as the typically outstandg Norman Arch Interestingly there is the grafitti atributed to the returning Crusaders, as well as a small section of the Bayeux Tapestry, and a memorial to the daughter of Ki;ng Canute daughter who drowned in the early 11th century, ironically this was the same ing who had been told by his advisor that such was his power he could control the incoming tide....
It is a lbeautiful church with its Saxon heritage, and foundations. It is also very maintained, and lovingly cared for by local volunteers.
With its charming uncluttered position close to the harbourside, and the small village, this is a Church that has a perfect location, with everything that you would imagine at local village - so worth seeking out.
翻译:精致的教堂坐落在风景如画的村庄中。这座建筑与其他许多建筑一样,融合了多种风格和年代。令人高兴的是,所有建筑都融合得天衣无缝,而且从诺曼式洗礼盆和窗户,以及典型的诺曼式拱门,都很容易辨认。有趣的是,教堂里有归来的十字军的涂鸦,以及一小部分贝叶挂毯,还有一座纪念碑,纪念 11 世纪初溺水身亡的卡努特国王的女儿,具有讽刺意味的是,这位国王曾被他的顾问告知,他的力量如此强大,可以控制潮水……