good course, terrible customer service.
Bristow Manor Golf Club的点评
点评:I play here several times per year and enjoy the course. however, the customer service is the worst. I had a 12:04 tee time today that I booked a week ago. I was receiving text messages from the course starting at 11am prompting me to check-in for my round. I drove 45 minutes to get there only to find out they have a 90-minute frost delay, and I won't get out until 1:30, it's cart path only, and they are expecting me to pay for 18 holes when I'll be lucky to get in 13. they could have used their messaging system to alert the players that there was a delay, but that would entail actual effort and customer service. also, can we please talk about this system where a frost delay only hurts the customer who made responsible tee times and rewards the morons who made 9am tee times when the temperature is 30 degrees? would it not make sense to have a disclaimer when booking that says that any tee time made before 10am in the winter could be scratched due to frost? if you only scratch the early tee times, everyone else who made responsible tee times has a great experience. instead, the idiotic system being implemented makes every single golfer who made a tee time that day suffer and those with the best tee times don't even get to play.
翻译:我每年都会在这里打几次球并且很享受这个球场。然而,客户服务是最差的。我一周前预订了今天 12:04 的开球时间。上午 11 点开始,我收到了来自课程的短信,提示我办理本轮比赛的报到。我开车 45 分钟才到那里,却发现他们有 90 分钟的霜冻延误,而且我要到 1:30 才能出去,那里只有马车道,而且他们希望我支付 18 洞的费用。能进入 13 就很幸运了。他们本可以使用消息系统来提醒玩家有延迟,但这需要实际的努力和客户服务。另外,我们能谈谈这个系统吗?在这个系统中,霜冻延迟只会伤害那些负责任地开球的顾客,而奖励那些在温度为 30 度时在上午 9 点开球的白痴吗?预订时附上免责声明,说明冬季上午 10 点之前的任何开球时间可能会因霜冻而被刮花,这难道没有意义吗?如果你只抓了早期的开球时间,那么其他负责任的开球时间的人都会有很棒的经历。相反,正在实施的愚蠢系统让当天开球的每一位高尔夫球手都遭受痛苦,而那些开球时间最好的高尔夫球手甚至无法参加比赛。