点评:upon return to this venue a few months ago we find that the quite awesome cups they used to serve in were gone, and now only 1 small size. Had zero problems with the service company ever. They were timely etc. The problem is the patrons that are aged and love to whine over the smallet thing.
Now we come back for another wonderful event, and find that the selection is even less than what it was, the glasses are now even smaller and no longer worth it, and it's a different company claiming they are faster.
I've got news for you people it's not about speed, whatever percieved problems there were could have easily been fixed, now it's worse. Less people because of less value, hard to manage tiny glasses, limited selection, and quite frankly staff that doesn't get it.
It's bad enough the entertainment line up is lacking for a place like this, how about shutting it all down? I'd vote for that. These people don't even have the sense to bring in decent acts, it's just the Victory and whoever else's low end lack luster junk entertainment. Got news for you, the age around here is gettng younger we expect more than what you have been delivering.