点评:If you're expecting a spa experience with manicured pools, mints on your pillow, and room service, this isn't the place for you. If you need air conditioning, endless amenities, or prefer luxury accommodations, you're better off spending your money elsewhere. This place is raw, rugged, and untamed.
But… if you crave a true adventure, a deep connection with nature, and a break from the everyday hustle, then you will absolutely love this spot in the Alvord Desert. This campsite is for those who appreciate the thrill of staying in one of the most remote places in the lower 48, without the amenities. The hot springs are natural and not built up for tourists – just a pure, unfiltered experience of the desert's beauty. The stars at night were breathtaking; we even saw the Milky Way in all its glory!
Laura at the front office was incredibly welcoming, and her dog Pete was a delight – friendly, intelligent, and always up for learning a new trick. The price is unbeatable too: at only $50 a night if you stay three nights, it’s a fantastic deal for what you get. Just be prepared – it's hot, exposed, and there's no AC or provided shade. If you're the kind of person who thrives on the simple joy of soaking in a natural hot spring while stargazing in a vast, open landscape, then pack your bags and head to this hidden gem!
但是……如果您渴望真正的冒险、与大自然的深度联系以及摆脱日常喧嚣,那么您一定会爱上阿尔沃德沙漠的这个地方。这个露营地适合那些喜欢住在美国本土 48 个最偏远的地方之一,没有便利设施的人。温泉是天然的,不是为游客建造的——只是纯粹、未经过滤的沙漠之美体验。夜晚的星星令人叹为观止;我们甚至看到了银河系的辉煌!
前台的劳拉非常热情,她的狗皮特也令人愉快——友好、聪明,总是乐于学习新技巧。价格也无与伦比:住三晚只需 50 美元一晚,物超所值。但要做好准备——这里很热,暴露在外,没有空调,也没有遮阳设施。如果你是那种喜欢泡在天然温泉里,在广阔的开阔景观中仰望星空的人,那就收拾行李,前往这颗隐藏的宝石吧!